Defend Your Data

The brief for my final year major project was to address a social issue whilst utilising both of my major subjects (Graphics Media and Spatial Environments).
At this time in 2015 data retention laws were under review in Australia which had the potential to negatively impact the general public.
Utilising the aforementioned information I created a campaign aimed at creating visually interesting and informative materials with the intention of encouraging a wide range of audiences to stay informed on data retention and take active steps in ensuring their online privacy. The campaign was titled Defend Your Data.
Graphical elements included a logo, satirical playing cards (including characters such as The Zuckerbug, a pocket guide with tips for ensuring online privacy, and poster materials. For my environmental element I designed an interactive sculpture intended to sit alongside the Museum of Contemporary Art as a means of creating a tangible, metaphorical conversation piece of viewers to interact with.